Wooohooo is right.
On a whim I sent in a picture of my wire wrapped tennis bracelet that I made inspired by a tennis bracelet that was in the last issue of step by step wire jewelry. I posted a few weeks ago about the article and supplies they used and then added how I made my own version using supplies I had on hand a skills I am familiar with, wire wrapping. I just loved how my bracelet turned out and really felt it was every bit as nice as the original and just as delicate. Of course it was simply mine and made my way.
Well while browsing a forum the other day I came across a link to share your ideas, interest, suggestions and what nots with Sara Graham the assistant editor for step by step wire jewelry magazine, and I thought to my self just send them a photo and show them your version of the bracelet. Well I did and thought nothing more of it until the next morning I received back not only one but two return emails from her. They loved the bracelet and said they wanted to run it in there photo gallery of wire work jewelry for the spring 2009 issue.
I was and still am so excited. Now it's just a photo I know but just look where a whim can take you. I don't need the big flashing lights and a bunch of hoopala. Just a nice we love it, works for me and a small photo among many also works for me.
Of course I didn't do it all alone. I needed to send them a photo using high resolution at 300 dpi and it had to be 3x3 in size. Oh no I thought, there went that opportunity. Well not so. A dear friend from the about jewelry forum and owner of RoughMagicCrations http://RoughMagicCreations.etsy.com came to my rescue and reviewed the photos I had taken to make sure they met the required dimensions and I sent them in today.
I must say Sara Graham is right on top of everything and returned me a message a short while later saying the photos did indeed meet the requirements and they would be choosing one of them for the issue.
Now all I have to do is hurry up and wait for spring to get here so I can see my big photo turned into a little photo only in a magazine. I'm so excited and I guess it's a good thing I have my little girls around because they help me to be patient. When your a mom to three little girls and two foster boys and one grown daughter you can't help but be patient.
So to every one who wants to submit one of there original ideas and designs to any magazine. I say do it. You just never know what will happen. I never expected to even get a response, I was just sharing and was happy to leave it at that. But I did get a response and I got it so quickly I wasn't even sure it could be real. lol. But I'm happy to say it was and I look forward to getting my spring issue of step by step wire jewelry not only for the new designs they have to share but to see my little picture too. Woohooo.
Special thanks to RoughMagicCreations. Your a real gem of a friend and I hope every one will take a look at your Etsy shop and visit your blog. Blog link is to the right in my list of blogs.
To see more of my work, follow the link through my Etsy mini and visit my shop.
And also here is a photo of our newest family member Maurice Iddy Oddy Jaco. Our sweet little kitten that we found abandoned in our barn. Poor little thing was all sad and beat up. My three year old and I discovered him crying in our barn one afternoon while waiting for the school bus. Morgan's daddy had told her he would get her a kitty someday. So we called Daddy at work and Morgan asked, " Daddy did you get me a kittly and leave it in our barn? " What was Daddy going to say. It now has a new home with us and I hope it learns soon that our bird is not kitty food but another family member!!!!! Morgan was really happy when Daddy got home from work and caught the kitty that Mommy had been trying to catch all afternoon. Poor little thing was so scared it wouldn't come out of the barn. He had a few scratches and scuffs, one if his eyes was infected from a scuff mark and he looked as if he may had been tossed out while going down the road. Gees the people could have at least stopped the car I kept thinking. But all is well for kitty now. His battle wounds are healed and we love all him!!!! even Daddy.
Have a great day everyone and thanks for letting me share!!!!!
Wow DeeDee!!! How thrilling for you! Congratulations and big hugs! You SOOOO deserve this. I wouldn't be surprised if they contacted you again sometime to say they want MORE!! I'm so happy for you!!
Congratulations!!! I am so proud of you! I will definitely be waiting for that issue!
:-) Molly
Congratulations!! That's very very exciting, DeeDee!
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