I just wanted to share with everyone the wonderful work of a dear friend of mine at RoughMagicCreations @Etsy.com. http://roughmagiccreations.etsy.com/
I know I talk of them often and just have to do it again. Remeber the necklace I made using some of the beads they gifted to me. Well this time they got to use some of the copper work made by me. How fun is that? They create the most beautiful handcrafted jewelry using there own one of a kind hand carved wood beads and pendants and I am honored to say that they have now incorporated a few of my copper pieces and glass work into their own work. It's a wonderful experience to develop such good relationships with people I may never have the opportunity to meet face to face. But friends at heart we are. The owners of this shop are so kind hearted and caring. I just can't say enough good things about them. Everyone please visit their shop and blog. Take a look around and enjoy seeing some awesome handcrafted Maine jewelry. This is one couple that makes a wonderful team. Go Look, You'll be happy you did!!!
I should also mention that many of there items have been seen on Etsy front page. How exciting is that?????
Pros gal if your reading, You did a great job!!!! Love what you have done and thanks so much for helping me with my photo's for step by step wire jewelry magazine. I couldn't have submitted them with out your help. Hugs to you and hubby.
Everyone enjoy and please do take a look at their shop :o) It's wonderful!!!!!!
Thanks DeeDee for introducing me to that shop! Wow. Beautiful creations. I'm so glad you are collaborating with them. Great idea and you both do such beautiful work!!
Wow, Deedee! Thank you soooo much for featuring us and for your lovely words about us! I'm thrilled with the way your work and ours just seem to go together. It must be that your copper and our wood know that we're such good friends. And let me say, I'm the one who is honored here.
Thank you, Dear Friend!
What beautiful pieces! Your artwork amazes me - you are so talented!
:-) Molly
P.S. You've been tagged! Check out my blog to see what to do next!
Her things are just beautiful, DeeDee! How sweet of you to feature her. It's no surprise that she's been a front page 'star'!
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