While playing baseball in the yard this week with the girls we found this beautiful butterfly resting upon a weed near the corner of our house. The girls enjoyed looking at it as it gently fluttered it wings. I thought it was near death as it wasn't moving much and wasn't frightened while we looked. I had Katie run in to get my camera and of course after one photo the batteries gave out and we were unable to take any more pictures but how pretty I'm glad we at least got one.
We often take photo's of Gods little creatures and I thought we'd share some of our favorites with you.
This frog, prince charming we presume found his way into Hannah's bug house one afternoon and Katie took the picture. We are more used to them basking in the sun near our small garden pond.
Our family pet's include princess our miniature tea cup, long haired Chihuahua, Dora our pygmy goat and Diamond our pony. Raising animals is a great way to help kids learn responsibility, compassion, and love for all of God's creatures. We originally had 3 baby goats that my 3 oldest girls, Tara, Katie and Hannah raised from baby's bottle feeding them. This was a lot of fun and a great experience for all of my girls. Princess was 5 weeks old when we bought her and she was so tiny she fit in Jerry's shirt pocket and went everywhere Jerry went. Diamond our pretty pony often jumps her fence and can be found at all hours of the day and night wandering the yard and eating the green grass, when she's full she will wander back into her pasture.
We also love to visit the animals at the zoo in Battle Creek, we had a late spring field trip and took some photos, Hannah's favorite was the Giraffe. Hannah is the little artist of the family and often draws and paints her favorites.
The pretty turtle painting was the only painting chosen from all kindergarten classes at her school to be featured in our local art gallery in the South Haven Center for Arts last winter. What a fun and colorful painting she made, We were really proud of her. We hope you've enjoy some of our favorites.
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