This week my goal was to play with my children and learn a new copper working skill. I've done both. I dedicate far to much time to the computer and not enough PLAY time with my children. I get up early every morning and the first thing I do is check my email, etsy, and the jewelry forum while having my morning coffee. Some days this drags on for hours. A few days ago my girls complained I'm always on the computer, though I didn't notice they were feeling left out, I do now. So starting this week I am dedicating more time to playing with my girls and less time playing by myself or should I say creating jewelry. I hadn't realized that even though my girls are always nearby and often right at the table by me, they were not always having the fun I thought they were. And being close in distance and chit chatting about what they are doing does not necessarily add up to quality time. As of this week, my computer will be off after they have their breakfast, and I will schedule computer time around there needs, I can check in on my etsy sales without visiting the forums or even going directly to the sight, a simple check of my email will inform me as to if my shop requires my attention and if it doesn't it can wait until after bedtime to visit the forums and do other non essential tasks. Instead of browsing the Internet I will read books to my girls, color and paint pictures with them instead of watching them and roll in the grass, look at the clouds and watch the birds fly overhead and land softly in the branches of our apple tree. I will do my computer work as I have this morning adding items to my shop and finishing pieces in the early morning hours and evening hours while they are sleeping or watching a favorite movie. Summer will be ending far to soon and my girls will be back to school 5 days a week and I will miss them dearly. I will enjoy there company while I have them home to do this and not regret that we didn't spend quality time together. I will lie my head on my pillow each night and treasure a special moment spent with each and every one of my children and not ask myself did I play with my children today and actually spend not just time with them but QUALITY time with them? I often wonder this. This goes for my oldest daughter Tara as well, and I'm so excited she is moving back home in a few weeks after being away for a year.
Now for my newest piece. I have finally figured out my problem with soldering. I can now solder a bezel to my sheet and it turns out. I am very happy with this and have to give my sister credit for showing my errors. A simple thing called alligator clips will hold your wire in place while soldering and my solder no longer flows into unwanted territory. I will be offering a step by step in the days to come, but for now I'll add a picture of my finished piece and say my children are awake and my time is up for now. So have a great day and remember to play with your children today!!!!! They tend to notice when we don't.